Live French

"Live French", a unique journey through French language and culture...

A personalized French or English immersion courses in Paris or in the Cognac region with a personal coach!
Our mission is to rapidly improve your French or English proficiency and your understanding of the culture in order to meet your personal or professional needs.

“Live French” is a partnership between Helene Phelipon, an experienced French and bilingual coach, and a group of local professionals. We organize personalized language immersion courses in Paris or in the Cognac region that use France’s rich cultural and gastronomic heritage to give students the opportunity to practice French (or English) in real life situations.
Efficient and FUN !!!

Our clients are L'Oréal, UNICEF, Le Club des Créateurs de Beauté, Baker Hughes, Lafarge Algérie, Westmill, Linguaphone, The American School of Paris, Transfer, The French Touch L&C, ...

Legal Information/Mentions légales:

N°SIRET: 518462106 00023

Enregistré comme prestataire de formation par la Direction Régionale du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Formation. Professionnelle sous le numéro 11 75 45430 75 auprès du préfet de région d’Ile-de-France.

Informations sur: Live French

19 Boulevard de Belleville

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